Monday, February 22, 2010

speedygeese sprints at Parliament House

I made it in plenty of time for the early speedygeese session at Parliament House tonight. The air was very humid and I found the warm-up quite difficult tonight. Jen, Yelena, Carolyne, Ewen, speedycoach and I were the only early starters and we joined the others at 5.30pm for the main session - about 23 tonight. We did another warm-up, this time the PH loop before doing 400m sprints in random relay teams. Actually they weren't as random as last week as the faster runners were put in teams of three and those who were all worn out from weekend races or who were slower were put in teams of four. It worked well as it gave some of us a bit more rest to run gently between fast sprints.
Distance: 7.32km warm up plus 8.91 main session including extra cool down
Total distance: 16.23km


  1. I was knackered after the 'warm-up' run. We have to find leg-irons for Jen.

    Wasn't Carolyne there for the early warm-up?

  2. You're quite right Ewen - have just added Carolyne - good thing she doesn't have the internet!

  3. Neither is right. It was Caroline, not Carolyne aka FD.
