Yes indeed, I do not stretch enough after my runs. I stretch at the gym but it is so important to warm up before a run and stretch afterwards. This year I am going to aim to stick with my plan of stretching after every run to try to avoid injury. After my long run yesterday my left hamstring has been playing up again. I took Teddy for a long walk in the afternoon but the hamstring continued to hurt.
This morning I headed off to the gym for a work-out as follows:
ten minute warm-up on the cross trainer
super sets x 4 of the following with the 1st set 15 reps, 2nd set 12 reps, 3rd set 10 reps, 4th set 15 reps. The 1st and last set have the same weight and the weights increase for the 2nd and 3rd set.
Assisted chin-ups + push-ups
Barbell chest press (15kg) + tricep dips with leg elevated
DB alternating bicep curls + French press (5kg)
DB rows x 15 on each side (6kg)
Abs - 30 secs each of the following repeating the circuit x 2
Side plank right
reverse plank
side plank left
double crunch
I finished with 1000m on the rower.
I finished with 1000m on the rower.
This is one of my Michelle Bridges routines and takes about an hour. The photos show CJ and I with Michelle after "pain in the domain" in Sydney and later at the celebration party.
Later today I headed off to Parliament House for the speedygeese running session. I was too late for the early session but too early for the 5.30pm start. However, I had time to run just over 4km down to the lake before the main session started.
There were only 12 of us there tonight - 9 guys and 3 girls. Others must still be on holiday. After the warm-up loop we headed for a hilly bank where we incorporated a fast sprint up a steep short hill, a slower run up the rest of the hill and a windy loop, as fast as possible, then a short rest before repeating this three times. This was followed by an attrition sprint running to the top of the hill. Last person to the top each time was out. Joel won the last sprint and Andy came second. We finished the session with a warm down loop of Parliament House.
Total distance including warm-up: 11.3km
AND I finished the session with stretches!
Good job Strewthie.
ReplyDeleteWelcome back to blogging Ruth and well done on the New Years Resolutions so far. Let's catch up soon for post long run coffee.
ReplyDeleteMichelle doesn't need to stretch! Did you remember to get her phone number for me ;)