Monday, December 26, 2005

Boxing Day - A good time to relax and update my blog!

After an exhausting but lovely Christmas I will briefly update my blog since last Tuesday. I keep nibbling at all those yummy leftovers. As usual I over-catered and although there were ten of us for dinner last night I had enough food to feed twenty! At least I won't have to do much food shopping for a while. As we're off to Double Bay in Sydney for a few days tomorrow (woo hoo - that sounds so fancy but we found a good deal - it will be so lovely) I expect I will be freezing lots of meat for our return.

Tuesday - North Lyneham
Activity: North Lyneham run with speedygeoff's group
Distance: 9.35km
Calories: 520
AHR: 159bpm
MHR: 207bpm
Comments: Hot, dusty, hilly, ouch! I arrived late so only managed 1.19km for the warm-up before meeting the others on the uphill. Our main set was 6 x 800m with 80secs sprints at the start of each hilly loop. This was on 5 minutes including rest which meant I could make it (just) before starting the next loop and it gave the others a decent rest! We ran the warm down (definitely NOT cool-down) of 3.19km at the end.

Activity: Run at 6am
Distance: 10:70km
Time: 61:31
Average pace per km: 5:44
AHR: 162bpm
MHR: 226bpm
Fastest km: 5:30
Calories: 653

Ran a 10mins warm up then 3 x 30secs sprints followed by 3 x 60 secs sprints with 1 min rest between each. I had my feet strapped again on Tuesday and they were a bit sore at the start but improved. Mr B accompanied me although he didn't do the sprints. We managed to lose each other as I went back a slightly longer way which meant we were a little late for brekkie with CJ.

I finished work at 12noon and after that I hit the shops and spent 8 hours shopping organising last minute bits and pieces. I was so tired. Dave had a 2 hour sleep while I went to Belconnen. We were supposed to go to friends for a party/drinks but had to opt out. I couldn't keep my eyes open. Instead Dave went back to do the food shopping from midnight and arrived home at 2.30am! Tomorrow he'll go the fruit and vege market while I go for my long run.

Saturday - Christmas Eve
Activity: Very slow long Run
Distance: 24.28km
Average pace per km: 6:19 (oh dear)
AHR: 153bpm
MHR: 226bpm
Calories: 1499

Comments: Oh dear, how bad did I feel. I had to drag myself out of bed in plenty of time to be out the door before 7am. My strapped feet felt numb. My legs felt slow and I was running very tired. I even contemplated giving up at the 10km mark but I knew I would be cross with myself if I did that and besides Jon was meeting me at 9am to run the last part of the run round the lake with me. It was a very slow sojourn out towards Gungahlin and back for 10km then on past the shops and down to Lake G. I was in plenty of time to meet Jon and we continued round the lake and on for another kilometre just to make up the distance. At least it felt better for that last 8km having some company as my ipod needs revamping and I had to run the long part soundless apart from my breathing. CJ will update it for me while I'm away and I'm hoping that will make me forget each step which I certainly felt on this run! If I am going to run the Ultra in April I had better persevere and up the pace a bit but today I was just all worn out from the hectic build-up to Christmas.

Speaking of - I do hope everyone out there had a wonderful Christmas day and that you were thoroughly spoilt (like me). Stay safe and healthy and fit. I am packing my running gear and swimmers. Aaah, I can smell the sea already!

Right now, I think I may go for a bike ride and work off some off this excess food!!
Later - Yes, I went for that bike ride as follows:
Activity: Cycle 6pm
Distance: 17.86km
Time: 53mins
Location: To and round Lake G and home via Kaleen shops
Av speed: 20kph
Max speed: 32kph
Calories: 319
Comments: It was still hot in the early evening tho there was a bit of a headwind as we approached the lake. I'm still tired but at least we burnt a few calories although tonight there were lots of leftovers to eat and while there's all this yummy food in the fridge, including chocolate, I'm likely to eat too much of it! It's a good thing we're leaving our house (and our fridge) for a few days tomorrow!

Monday, December 19, 2005

Blog Update (again!)
Why is life so hectic at this time of year? It becomes impossible to keep up-to-date with everyday life when work and Christmas deadlines take over. However I will now attempt to update my blog yet again at least to bring me briefly up-to-date from last Tuesday when I last did an entry here.

Wednesday - Final Yoga session for the year
It was a great session - such good sessions, shoulder stands, new techniques of stretching. Now we have to wait until February before regular classes resume. I do enjoy this type of Yoga - Yoga Mandir - Iyengar Yoga. I believe it helps me learn to stretch and relax more even for only a couple of hours a week.
Friday - a short brief swim
Activity: Short swim
Distance: 800metres!
Comments: I started late and only managed 800m in the time frame but I guess a little exercise is better than no exercise.
Yesterday I went to the physio and he has told me what I already suspected. I have Bilateral plantar fasciitis. I have had pains in the bottoms of my feet for a few months and it's most noticeable early in the mornings or in normal shoes (not running shoes). Sometimes it can be quite painful. The physio, Graeme, who is a triathlete and really nice too, strapped both my feet tightly and gave me some exercises and an appointment for next Tuesday. I have to run my long run with my feet strapped to test it. He also recommended I change my running shoes - something else I suspected might be the cause. I love my bright coloured Foster tri shoes but they don't have the support of the Asics shoes I was wearing previously. Rats! They are such pretty shoes too!!
Saturday - Long Run
Distance: 22.59km
Location: Towards Gungahlin along cycle track then back to Kaleen and down to Lake G
AHR: 156bpm
MHR: 209bpm
Best km: 5:28
Average km pace: 5:48
Calories: 1350
Met up with Jon at Lake G to run the last 7.6km with him round the lake. I left home at 7am, met up with Jon at 8.30am and we met up with CJ and our other halves for coffee at Black Pepper at 9.30am after we finished our respective 22km runs. It was a good run and felt reasonably comfortable even with my feet strapped. I ran in my Asics Gels 2100 which I used to wear prior to my Foster tri shoes. They have only had a couple of months wear so will last a few more weeks. Gee I was tired later after spending the rest of the day shopping, tidying and starting Christmas cards. That night we went to H & T's Christmas bash and I drank far too many banana daquiris - very yummy at the time but a bit sad and sorry next morning!
Sunday - no exercise unless you count several hours spent walking round the shops Christmas shopping! A little slow in the morning but managed to write out all my very late Christmas cards and sort out all the pressies, calendars etc for very late posting!
Monday -
Morning activity: Swim
Distance: 1km
Time: 27:30
Location: Civic Pool
Comments: Met up with CJ at RBB for brekkie. She has this week off work and I was first on her long list for today. I wish I didn't have to work this week. I whizzed out during the morning to line up in the PO for well over an hour but I was lucky as another girl in my office had just reached the start of the queue in her lunch break when the PO was evacuated as there was a suspicious looking parcel discovered. It was closed for the rest of the day!
Evening activity: Run
Locality: Parliament House
Distance: 8.77km
AHR: 157bpm
MHR: 214bpm
Calories: 481
Comments: There was quite a big turn out at speedygeoff's group tonight. Mr B cycled from work to join us too. We had the usual warm-up loop then ran a trial 720m loop to show the route to those who hadn't run it before. This particular course includes one short steep grassy hill and another long steep grassy hill which just seems to go on forever. Just after the first hill we stopped at the fitness track and did 3 push-ups on the bars before facing the second hill. Yes, it's tough. We had to then run it as fast as possible for 5 more repeats on 5 minutes. This created a decent rest for most of the group but for the slower runners (ie me) the break was pretty short! However I managed all the repeats and then we ran a cool-down loop (I never quite understand why it's called a cool down, I always feel quite hot at the end until we have stood round for a while stretching).
So Monday has ended and a new week has begun - countdown to Christmas = 6 days!

Tuesday, December 13, 2005

Another scorcher!
Morning activity: Cycle
Distance: 17:85
Time: 49mins
Location: Home to and round Lake Ginninderra
Calories: 300 at least cos forgot to turn Gandalf on for first 9mins
AHR: 125bpm
MHR: 228bpm
Av sp: 21.7kph
Max speed: 35kph
Comments: Just a gentle cycle from home and round the lake on a lovely morning. A little cool early but soon warmed up. There were lots of people out there walking with babies and dogs and running round the lake. It was very pleasant.

Evening Activity: Run with speedygeoff's group
Location: North Lyneham hills
Distance: 9:09km
Time running: 52mins
Calories: 558
AHR: 151bpm
MHR: 217bpm
Comments: Arrived 5 mins late but met up with Sarah and we ran for 2km until we met up with the rest of our group running in the opposite direction. We then did 5 x 80sec sprints on 4 mins which means we jogged back to the start after 80secs then took off again, at least Sarah and I ran back to the start after the 80secs sprints but the others managed an 800m loop in that time. Sarah and I completed the 800m loop on the last lap before doing a warm down of the 3.1km hilly loop. It was hot, dusty and exhausting but a good session with just Colin, speedygeoff, Jenny, Sarah, Maria and me. We came across a large group of young netballers who were training on one of the killer hills - lots of repeats. They looked jolly hot! The time of year is catching up with me - I am so tired. One good thing that happened today is that I was emailed the yummy mushroom pate recipe from Sat's bbq - it was so delicious and looks very easy - will be good for Chrissie!

Monday, December 12, 2005

On left is Miners Run in the Half Ironman run leg.

Strewth, CJ and our friend Kerry from Alice with a broken collar bone after a fall from her bike 3 weeks ago training for the Half Ironman.

What a weekend!
Activity: Swim followed by brekkie with CJ
Distance: 1km
Time: 27:03
Location: Civic Pool
Comments: The pool wasn't too busy this morning but there was no slow lane so I swam on the outside lane and had to avoid a few breast strokers who swam even slower than me!

Activity: Mini Triathlon - Swim, Cycle, Run
Distance: Swim 300m, Cycle 8km, Run 2km
Location: Ferry Terminal, Lake Burley Griffin
Time: 42:12mins (including very slow transitions!!)
Comments: Bleak looking day and the wind had picked up by the afternoon. Our race was not until 3pm and I was a tad nervous, as always, not helped by the fact that I was in the third wave which was the first female wave and all the over 50 females were put in the same wave as all females under 24 - scary! However the swim leg wasn't too bad apart from the choppiness on the return towards the shore and the fact that I swam into someone swimming in the opposite direction going out to the first buoy. As I ran out from the swim I completely lost the spot for my bike and ran right past it before realising I had gone too far. Back I went, collected my bike and ran to the mounting area - a bad start but the cycle was ok and relatively flat although there was quite a wind especially crossing the bridges when the cars whizzed past closely and the bike wavered a bit with the wind plus the force of the vehicles. After dismounting I ran to my supposed spot to rack my bike and couldn't find the spot again - oh dear, make mental note to tie a bright coloured tag round the bar next to my bike as a marker next time. Up and down with my bike until suddenly I realised I was in the wrong row - damn, I think I lost at least 2 minutes in transition. At last I could rack my bike and take off on the run but I had lost a lot of time. I came 2nd in my age group but I'm sure I could have done a better time if I had checked my bike spot properly at the start. Never mind, we learn by our mistakes - next time!!
The official results say I took 9:11 in the swim, 23:20 on the bike and 9:41 on the run. I'm sure that cycle included both transitions!!
That evening I went to a lovely Christmas BBQ with speedygeoff's training group at Maria's house - a lovely setting on a gorgeous deck with great company including Aki, speedygeoff and PRB among others - quite a turnout in fact. We arrived late and left by 10pm as we had a very early start next morning.

Sunday - Half Ironman day, a long run and celebrations!
Today was perfect weather-wise. Unlike yesterday the lake was calm and there was not a breath of wind. The setting in Commonwealth Park by the lake was just beautiful. The atmosphere was amazing. Mr B was on duty as a technical official so left home at 5.30am. CJ collected Kerry, who was here from Alice Springs, then collected me at 6am so that we could be there at the start to cheer on the entrants including Miners Run who had an excellent race. Wow, what talent - some very spunky bodies indeed - well worth the early start to see such hunks! It was incredible to watch and the water looked almost inviting as it was so picturesque out there, although those few brave souls who ventured in without wetsuits definitely were shivering at the start! When we had watched the competitors take off on their bike leg CJ and I went out for a long run. We ran the first 2km together then ran at our separate paces for a 20km distance round the entire lake. My stats, according to Gandalf, were as follows:

Activity: Run
Distance: 20:44
Time: 1hour 58mins 55secs (Goal - 1hr 56mins 40secs)
Calories: 1230 (woo hoo)
AHR: 159bpm
MHR: 206bpm
Average pace per km: 5:57
Fastest km: 5:21
Comments: CJ set Gandalf to be my running buddy at 5:50 pace but he raced me by about 200m . As I haven't yet calculated my long distance pace I guess it was just an estimate but I certainly felt like I had a good run.

After the run I met up with CJ and Kerry and we watched the runners come in on their run leg. Aki joined us and later we met up with speedygeoff and PRB. It was lots of fun making as much noise as possible and extra exciting when we spotted coolrunners. We met Highwayman, Born2slow (who was definitely not slow), Queenbee, Ironbee, Evie and several others. It's fun to put faces to CR names. It was really a great day, the atmosphere, the company and the general feeling of being a part of such a great event.
Later in the afternoon I took two close friends out to Federation Square for cake and coffee and later to the pub for a drink as we were celebrating a friend's birthday. In the evening all the family came over for dinner to celebrate my daughter's boyfriend's 21st. It was quite a weekend!! I need another one to recover from it!

Thursday, December 08, 2005

Hill Repeats
Activity: Cycle 6am
Distance: 19:42km
Location: Ginninderra Drive
Time: 59mins
AHR: 124bpm
MHR: 155bpm
Caloris: 367
Max pace: 45kph

Comments: A pleasant morning although a bit cool on the arms to start and there was a headwind on the downhills. I rode 5 x hill repeats on Ginninderra Drive but next week when I practise that course I will aim to leave home 15minutes earlier and fit in 6 repeats before the traffic makes it difficult to cross the road for the downhill returns. The day turned out to be lovely and sunny later. I'm sitting here nodding off while my Christmas cake is cooking. Mr B is already asleep in the beanbag watching telly! How on earth will I stay awake till midnight when the cake is cooked. Oh dear!

Wednesday, December 07, 2005

Morning Activity: Cycle
Distance: 17:79
Time: 49mins
Max pace: 35kph
AHR: 123bpm
MHR: 148bpm
Calories: 335

Comments: Quite slow but pleasant ride. Tonight was our Christmas client party at The Deck (FlashDuck's favourite venue) and we were lucky that, although a storm swept through briefly, by the time most of the guests arrived there was no wind, the rain stopped and we could mingle outside on the deck. It really was very pleasant.

Wednesday - Work off that champagne!
Morning Activity: Run 6am
Location: Kaleen block
Distance: 6km
Time: 34:40
AHR: 162bpm
MHR: 230bpm
Calories: 346

Comments: Oh boy that was a tough run. My legs felt like lead and I felt just a tad blah - may have been those three glasses of champagne last night mixed with junk food extremus! Mmmm, I definitely needed to run it off and felt marginally better for having done so! Mr B and I drove in to RBB to meet CJ for brekkie after her swim! However, the swim didn't happen as she slept an extra hour but we had an enjoyable brekkie anyway with a few extra friends who I had forgotten I had already arranged to meet! The more the merrier and it was a good start to mid-week madness!

Evening Activity - Yoga
Comments: Aaaah yoga. The best part is that last ten minutes - the relaxation bit. It is seriously heaven. The stretches hurt but it was good pain and we learnt a few new ones. I stayed up in my shoulder stand for longer than I have in the past. We only have one week to the end of the term. I'll be booking in for next year into Beginners 2 - progressing one level. Our teacher, Polly, has suggested that two terms of Beginners 2 is a good idea before progressing to CJ's level 1 class. Sounds good to me!

Monday, December 05, 2005

Start of a new week and the sun is shining!
Woo hoo - my header has worked - thank you Susan. It's really cool!! At first nothing seemed to happen but as I was editing my previous post it suddenly appeared. How exciting. I want to keep looking at it!

Morining Activity: Swim
Distance: 1.1km
Location: Civic Pool

Comments: The pool was really busy this morning. I practised breathing both sides for the last 100metres in the cool down. I'm not exactly speedy but it always feels good to start the week with a swim.

Evening Activity: Run with speedygeoff's training group
Location: Parliament House
Distance: approx 9.3km
Time: Approx 50mins
AHR: 155bpm
MHR: 231bpm!

Comments: This was one tough training session! After the warm up (a loop and a half with a bit of a maze in between) I stopped Gandalf and forgot to restart him on the next loop. I think I missed approximately 2km before I remembered to press "start" again. We ran a hilly loop to practise it then repeated it 8 more times - boy it was tough. The first part of the loop was a nice downhill slope but then came the killer grassy hill or hills really as it went up and up with a little break for a path inbetween. Ouch - it was hard. Then we ran a 1.6km warm down. It was very hot running tonight. The temps have risen and today was 27deg. Tomorrow the forecast is for 31deg - summer has arrived and the sky is finally blue! My intention is to go for a cycle in the morning. I have a client Christmas party at 5.30pm so won't be able to train at North Lyneham tomorrow night, probably just as well cos it will be very hot indeed and loads more hills!

Sunday, December 04, 2005

Back to Tuesday
Activity: Run
Distance: 6:06km
Time: 34:27
Location: Kaleen block
AHR: 157bpm
MHR: 168bpm
Calories: 342

Comments: A bit slow today. It was a cool grey morning and my average pace was only 5:40 per km. In the evening we went to our AGM Board Dinner (the actual AGM has been postponed for a couple of weeks - phew) at the Federal Golf Club in Red Hill - very nice setting and meal and I did relax with a few glasses of champagne and put this dreadful working week to the back of my mind so that I could enjoy the evening.

Morning Activity: Swim
Distance: 1km
Comments: Oh dear this swim was indeed slow!

Evening Activity: Yoga
I worked until 11.30pm tonight but I took an hour and a half break to go to yoga - no way was I going to give that up for anything!! I had great success with my shoulder stand and we practised some very tricky stretches and some really good calf stretches - ouch, but good pain! I was so glad I went as it helped me face the workload back in the office later.

Thursday and Friday were spent at work without a break - midnight Thursday and started at 7.30am Friday but we delivered that tender with two hours to spare! I was so exhausted on Friday evening that by the time I arrived home after a couple of glasses of wine and a large piece of cake to farewell our work experience student, I was completely exhausted. No way was I moving. The whole family deserted me for the weekend - Mr B to a squash tournament and the girls to the coast so I totally vegged out! I have seriously eaten too much junk food this week. I finished a box of chocs ( a pressie from the work experience student) tonight and a tim tam AND a mug of hot chocolate - I needed those endorphins!

Saturday 3 December
Activity: Run
Distance: 17.20km
Time: 1hour 42mins
Calories: 1087 (that burnt off the choccie)
AHR: 154bpm
MHR: 212bpm
Average pace per km: 5.57

This was the epitome of long slow distance! I didn't leave the house until 11am and I was caught in a head wind heading out to Gungahlin then on the way back I was caught in the rain - it only lasted five minutes but enough to drench me. I listened to my ipod on the way and at about the 12km mark I was suffering from incredible stitch just as Maroon 5 sang "it's getting harder and harder to breathe" - oh boy, I agreed with every word at that stage! Yes, it hurt but I had to run off all those cobwebs and bad eating habits from the past week. I felt better for having done it but my legs were burning and I tried speedygeoff's trick of icy cold water on my calves in the shower. I think it helped. I felt really tired though as I trudged around the shops trying to concentrate on the thought that Christmas is not far away.The mall was very very busy. Tonight I decorated our Christmas tree. The silly season is upon us!