Thursday, August 13, 2009

Short and Sharp!

Tonight's speedygeese session was a mix of 100m and 50m sprints in relay teams. After our warm up loops we were divided into four relay teams. We were evenly matched in terms of gender, being six guys and six girls, but we were obviously mixed up in terms of speed. Marg and I ran as one person splitting our 100m into 50m each as speedychief supervised the relays which meant an uneven number otherwise. Thus it was that in the first ten 100m sprints Marg and I ran 10 x 50m. This was followed by a reshuffle of teams where we were next divided into two teams and everybody ran 10 x 50m sprints - short, sharp, challenging but fun. Afterwards however the hammies twinged and I knew I had really worked!
Total distance including warm up and cool down: 7km


  1. How many Bilbys did you think there were? There seemed to be so few I forgot to count them. Surely we came out well ahead this time?

  2. Geese rule! Bilbys drool!

    So, you would have run a PB for 50 metres!
