I started writing this on
Easter Sunday but was obviously side tracked in the interim. I just don't know how the days disappear so quickly! Easter Sunday was a stunning day. I met Andy (who had just returned from the UK) at the ferry terminal and we went for a gentle catch up run.
Total distance: 11.3km
Easter Monday
A public holiday and I took advantage of this by running in the morning while the weather was pleasant.
Total distance: 15km
Anzac DayYet another public holiday and and Mr B and I enjoyed the great outdoors by going for a very enjoyable cycle down to Lake Burley Griffin and round the bridges before heading home. I went for my run later in the afternoon and took Teddy dog with me. This is the furthest distance he has run and apart from a few distractions on the way he managed well.
Total distance: 10km
Wednesday 27 April
I returned to the gym in the morning and in the evening met up with Ewen, Andy and Chris to run our usual route from Parliament House.
Total distance: 10.3km
After the run Chris had choir practice but Andy, Ewen and I met up with Jen and bub at a lovely pizza restaurant. It was great that Richard could also join us. We haven't seen him for ages as he's been injured.
Thursday 28 April
Tonight was our first speedygeese session at Dickson Oval this season. It was a good turnout on a cool drizzly evening - 14 including a few new starters and some geese who we haven't seen since last year. It was great to catch up with everyone and meet new people too. We started with a large loop of the oval for a warm up and the main session was as follows:
12 x 200m fast with 100m recovery jogs between.
We were told to concentrate on our form running on toes and keeping tummies tucked. I found that eased the pain anyway although of course I was still last finished! It started to rain during the main part of the session - lightly, but we were all dripping wet by the end. We finished with a warm down of the small part of the full oval.
Total distance: 8.5kmFriday 29 AprilFridays are my rest day but this day I went to an RPM/spin class at the gym for the first time in several weeks. It was a really good work out.
Saturday 30 April
This morning I met Emma P at 8am for an early run of 9km before returning to the War Memorial and meeting Andy and Ewen to run further. We ran the short-cut to the Ainslie track staying on the trails to Campbell Pk, Duntroon, through the Wetlands and back along Anzac Pde.
Total distance: 24km
It was a pleasant run but unfortunately I couldn't wait for coffee afterwards as I had a prior commitment:(
Sunday 1 MayOnce more I incorporated my run with Teddy's walk. He does enjoy being worn out running in between walking days. Today we just ran from home to the tunnel heading for Gungahlin and home again. He was better today as there weren't as many dogs out to distract him and he managed to run all the way after the first couple of kms of tugging towards trees!
Total distance: 8km
Monday 2 May
Morning - long strength session at gym
Evening - Back to speedygeese session at Parliament House. This time there were only a few of us running round PH. Next week I really must remember my spotlight as it is becoming dark much earlier now and difficult to negotiate the footing when we run around the hidden tracks.
After our warm up our main session was as follows:
6 x 680m on five minutes, using a couple of steep slopes as part of the loop.
The cool down afterwards brought the total distance to
Tuesday 3 MayHaving entered the ACT Half Marathon on 22 May I have been endeavouring to follow a program of sorts for the past few weeks. Today all I had to do was a short fartlek session as follows:
Warm up followed by:
6 x 2min surges with 2min easy run between.
Warm down
Total distance: 4km!Wednesday 4 MayToday is speedygeoff's birthday and it really was a lovely sunny day - cool, but sunny with a slight breeze - a good day for a birthday.
I went to the gym in the morning.
6.50am - warm up on xtrainer
7am - 15mins abs session
7.20am - warm up on rower
7.30am - strength work and upper body weights
8.15am - brekkie at the gym
9am - rower followed by push ups, chin ups etc. It was great to meet up with Miranda who had come to do the Body Balance session which I had planned to do.
9.30am - Body Balance (what a civilized hour for a class)
11am - finally left gym and headed for a coffee!
After my daily walk with Teddy and catching up with this long overdue blog I headed for Parliament House to meet Ewen, Chris and Andy for a run. It was cool enough to wear 3/4 pants instead of shorts and a t-shirt instead of a singlet but it was pleasant running weather. We ran round the bridges, past the carillon and along Anzac Parade to the war memorial before heading back to PH. On the return trip Victoria caught up with us on her third lap of bridge to bridge. She was running 20km as she is training for the Gold Coast marathon in July.
Total distance: 11km