Distance: 17.25km
Time taken: 1hr 51mins
Average pace per km: 6:29 (it was tough)
Having worked up a considerable appetite and thirst on those dusty, windy (in both meanings of the word) hills I was looking forward to a wonderful lunch with CJ, Kelley, Rochelle & Ewen at Tosolini's in the city. Great company, excellent food (including tiramisu to die for), lovely wine, good coffee and three leisurely hours of fun and conversation - excellent way to spend an overcast windy afternoon when most others were tucked indoors watching the grand final on telly. I think our alternative was much better.
I offered to drive Rochelle home and we had gone only a short distance from the carpark when we realised that one tyre was definitely very flat. Between us we managed to jump up and down on the tyre lever to loosen the wheel nuts and set up the jack resulting in us both having very black hands, just as a runner and his lady friend came by and stopped to help us. He turned out to be a motor mechanic specialising in VWs (which I drive) and he efficiently finished the job for us. Just goes to show that runners are very versatile people - how lucky was that!
I offered to drive Rochelle home and we had gone only a short distance from the carpark when we realised that one tyre was definitely very flat. Between us we managed to jump up and down on the tyre lever to loosen the wheel nuts and set up the jack resulting in us both having very black hands, just as a runner and his lady friend came by and stopped to help us. He turned out to be a motor mechanic specialising in VWs (which I drive) and he efficiently finished the job for us. Just goes to show that runners are very versatile people - how lucky was that!
Today was definitely a good day!