Calories burned: 500
Thursday, July 31, 2008
C'mon Everybody
Calories burned: 500
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
One Boy, Two Little Girls

Ewen runs 3km with a "little" competitor at High Noon
This morning was the usual RPM class followed by abs and after work this afternoon Rachelle joined Ewen and I on our afternoon run from the office to the lake and on to the bridge past Molonglo Reach where we turned and returned to the office. For the first half of the run my legs felt heavy and tired but after the turn-around I started to feel quite good and a whole lot more comfortable. It was a very cold night especially when the breeze picked up. We did take our long sleeves off for a short time but on the return trip the wind picked up and we were glad to put them on again! At one stage I tripped on a rock and nearly did a CJ but managed to stop myself just as the ground was rushing up to meet me - phew! Rachelle struggled a bit with a sore foot and when we finished our run Ewen gave a demo on a different way of tying shoe laces!
Total distance: 14.12km
Time taken: 1:25:34
Average pace per km: 6:03 (exactly the same as last week)
Calories burned: 826
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
You Gave me a Mountain!
Distance: 16km
Average pace per km: 6:04
Calories burned: 925
The long and the short of it!

Yelena is flying!
Monday - Parliament House
Incidentally I highly recommend Mamma Mia as a light entertaining and "fun" movie which Mr B and I throughly enjoyed on Sunday night at the premium cinema!
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Such a Night!
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
I'm Movin' On
Time taken: 1:24:43
Average pace per km: 6:03
Calories burned: 830
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
Monday, July 21, 2008
Husky Dusky Day
Calories burned: 485
Footnote: speedygeoff has inspired me to use Elvis Presley songs for my blog title. He uses the Beatles so I will use Elvis. There are hundreds of them so I may become tired of them before I run out!
Saturday, July 19, 2008
De-stressing on the Hills!
Total distance: 20.15km
Time taken: 2hours 17mins
Average pace per km: 6:48 (blame those hills!)
Calories burned: 1137
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Wombat Wednesday and speedy Thursday
Time taken: 1:39:25
Average pace per km: 6:12
Calories burned: 954
Thursday - speedy's session - Dickson Oval
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Just another Manic Monday!
After work Rachelle and I headed off to Parliament House for speedygeoff’s session which took place as follows:
Two warm-up loops of PH followed by 20 x 100m hill repeats on 90 seconds finishing with a warm-down loop of PH.
Total distance: 8.6km
I found the first warm-up loop quite tough and felt rather sluggish but I took note of the advice of our speedycoach and took the hills gently. I felt quite comfortable and even managed to push myself a little for the two “fast” repeats that we incorporated. On the whole it was actually fun (did I say that, about hills?) and I was glad that I decided to accept the challenge and take part in the session rather than jog off for a longer run.
There was not a huge turnout tonight which I put down to school holidays which affect some of our group. However, there were still enough of us to make the warm-up and warm-down a great opportunity to catch up with everyone’s news.
Tuesday - Today
I recovered well after yesterday’s session and managed a thorough upper body weights session at the gym early this morning. Tomorrow I will return to my Wed mid-week run with Ewen after work. We have some catching up to do after the Gold Coast.
Saturday, July 12, 2008
A Slow Off-Road Run to Stretch the Legs
Time taken: unmentionable!!
Calories burned: 600
No PB's this time!
Thursday, July 03, 2008
Countdown - last entry before the Gold Coast!
Wednesday, July 02, 2008
Every Step I Took!
Time taken: 50.55
Average pace per km: 6:09
Calories burned: 490