Morning activity: Run
Distance: 16.39km (not quite the scheduled 18km!)
Location: To and round Lake G
Time taken: 1hr 41mins 52secs
Average pace per km: 6:13
Calories burned: 1004
Comments: A tad slow and a tad tired this morning and left it a little late to complete the 18km. As it was I didn't arrive at work until 9.15am which is about 45mins later than usual! I started driving half an hour before and it normally takes 15mins to reach the office so obviously that was a bad time to drive. The traffic was really really slow. I did leave the house for my run at 5.30am on the dot having set the alarm for 4.50am but I took too long in the shower after the run. I kept dozing off!! I went to work without brekkie so grabbed a yoghurt and banana to eat in the office. I can see I'll have to rise even earlier next Wed as there's a 20km run scheduled that morning!
Evening activity: Yoga - aaaaaaah bliss
Comments: Yes, yoga has resumed. I have a male teacher this time and he is really good at explaining everything and I thoroughly enjoyed the class. During the relaxation at the end he told us all to block our minds from thoughts and focus towards sleep - big mistake in my case. I heard this funny heavy breathing and suddenly realised it was me dozing off and I had to focus on staying awake then in case I snored! Gee, I enjoyed being back at yoga again and I'm quite sure the stretches will help me as I don't do nearly enough stretching for my running.
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