Monday, January 24, 2011

More Hill Training

Today is the first day of my "easy" week. My marathon training program is made up of three weeks of build-ups followed by an easy week with less kms and less intense training to give the body a chance to recover before increasing the distances again.
This morning I did an hour's strength training at the gym followed by abs and stretches. I didn't go to the early session of training this evening. Instead I took part only in the main session at 5.30pm and it was still very hot. It was great to see a few people who haven't been to speedygeese training for quite some time! such as CJ and Colin.
We ran a couple of loops of Parliament House as a warm-up before the main session of an undulating loop incorporating a very steep hill. We repeated this four times before heading for another hill for attrition sprints. The last two up the top of the hill were out each time. I was in the second bunch to be out so for once I wasn't first out!! Joel won again but there was some strong competition from Colin and Tim.
We ran another loop of PH for a warm down and some of us ran on for another loop to make some more distance. It was a hot night but a good session.
Total distance: 8.6m

1 comment:

  1. You beat CJ! You beat CJ! And some old bloke as well.
