Monday, January 16, 2006

Wet Wet Wet!

Morning activity: Swim
Distance: 800m

Comments: Yes, I had a bit of a slow start this morning and only managed to squeeze in 800metres before dashing off for the all-important brekkie at RBB with Mr B and CJ - lovely and good to catch up with CJ looking brown and relaxed after her trip to the coast.

Afternoon activity: Run with speedygeoff's group
Locality: Parliament House
Distance: 8km approx
AHR: 152bpm
MHR: 200bpm

Comments: It rained and it rained and it rained. However, knowing speedygeoff I knew that would make no difference to training happening so I collected Mr B from his office to give him a reprieve from cycling and turned up a few minutes late for the session consequently missing the group run off for the warm up. However Mr B and I ran up the stairs of the carpark and out into the rain to run the loop of Parliament House. We ran in and out of the tracks in the normal way for 2.13km before returning drenched to the carpark where the 19 other stalwarts were gathered for the main set. Our session was 10 loops of the carpark - an uphill slope to start and about 375m loop with the first 2/3 of each loop a sprint and the downhill return gentle. Then we warmed down by running the same loops 5 times in the opposite direction. My little legs were tired tonight and I was struggling on those uphill sprints. However I completed the course and it came to approximately 8km. Gandalf could not record in the carpark as he could not pick up the satellite so the distance is approximate.


  1. just amazing to even try and run in that rain tonight S

  2. "the biggest single downpour since the start of the year", and caused flooding in various places.

    Hope the outdoor parts of the run were not too slippery.

    Did your new shoes enjoy the weather. ??

  3. Friar - My new shoes felt very soggy when we returned to the underground carpark!!
