Longest Training Run, Hot Air Balloons and Perfect ConditionsThree Weeks to MarathonTotal distance this week: 104.80km - the most running I've ever managed in a week - WOW!Distance today: 40km Time taken: 3hrs 59mins!Average pace per km: 5:59Calories burned: 2320Fastest km: 5:25Comments: Alarm woke me at 4.45am giving me a practice preparation for the marathon. Out of bed for toast, honey and a banana, a small coffee and a glass of water. Met up with The Hare and all his very fit training buddies at the ferry terminal. We decided to incorporate part of the Marathon into our long run today. Ran with The Hare over Kings Avenue bridge past the art gallery along Langton Avenue up to and round Parliament House into Melbourne Ave, right up Mugga Way then through Manuka, past Telopea Park School, past the Kingston Markets and on through the Jerrabomberra Wetlands, along Dairy Flat Road and on through Duntroon around the base of Mount Ainslie, through the undulating nature reserve and on to Limestone Ave across Haig Park, on through Turner to the ANU following Sullivans Creek to the lake, over hospital hill (damn hills) and back to the ferry terminal. There we chatted to the others for a few minutes and I left the boys to continue for my last 10km back to the Museum and on to Yarramundi Reach (over Black Mountain peninsula - more hills) which was exactly 5km. Mr B arrived on his bike and cycled the last 5km with me as I turned and ran back to the ferry terminal making the 40km in just under four hours. I was stuffed and couldn't wait to take off my shoes and clamber into that ice cold lake water drinking a Pepsi Max at the same time!
Conditions today were fantastic as there was cloud cover until about the 37km mark at which point the sun beat down relentlessly. However I was so lucky that it stayed behind the clouds until that late. It was an interesting run with a lot of it off road for a change - yes, it was undulating which slowed me down somewhat but it provided variety and a challenge. I was very tired after the 40km mark so I do hope I can make the 50km!! The start of the run was very beautiful as there were a number of balloons hovering over the lake and the water was still and full of beautiful reflections.
I drove home for a quick shower then met up with Mr B, CJ, Mr CJ, The Hare and his N for a really enjoyable brunch at Black Pepper. In the evening Mr B and I went to see "I'll Walk the Line" at the movies and really enjoyed it.
Fantastic marathon win for Kerryn McCann - what a woman and what a winner - totally moving and inspirational!